Beginner-to-Advanced Relic Guide. Honkai Star Rail: Relic You Should Keep

I’m going to be going over every single Relic that you should consider keeping in Honkai Star Rail and basically how to get better relics in this game.

So first, we’re going to talk about the basics of enhancing relics. Then we’re going to go through some massive spreadsheets of every relic you should consider keeping. After that, we’re going to talk about domain ratings based on that spreadsheet. Finally, we’re going to show you guys some stamina usage charts, which will help you decide what to prioritize when it comes to farming for relics and also what to use those um mold thingies—that self-modeling resin—that’s what I was thinking of.

So let’s just quickly run through the basics of enhancing relics. The first thing is, for those that might be super uninitiated, you can salvage three and four-star Relics. Once you hit a certain trailblaze level, you will just pretty much want to get rid of all your three and four-star Relics. Eventually, you can also salvage a bunch of these relics to get this currency here, which you can use to exchange for other types of Relics.

Now, you can exchange 10 four-star relics for one four-star relic over here in this thing right here. You can even choose the piece as well as the set, which is very nice. And of course, you can use the self-modeling resin to choose the stat that you want. Okay, I think most of you guys knew that stuff.


So let’s talk about what relics you should enhance, at least up to level three.

Now, this I would still consider to be fairly basic stuff, but don’t worry, we are going to get to some more complex topics in a bit. First off, basically, for most DPS sets, you want to enhance any piece that has a crit value without a second crit value, especially in the helms and the gloves. Because if you have three slots, you can go up to four slots, and then you get plus one to each subset every three levels after that.

So we can see in this case that we have a three-slot relic or a three-subacute relic. We enhanced it; we did not get a crit rate. So this relic is likely just going to be fodder for later. We’re going to do this a couple more times as well to see if we can get double crit. And no, we did not; we got defense. So yeah, you want to go through and double-check that.

Now, when it comes to bodies, for most DPS sets, you will want to focus on the crit stats. And in this case, we do have this critical damage one, which we do want to bring up to five. We want to go for the crit rate and look at that. We got the crit rate on this piece. So that’s pretty cool. I’m going to enhance this one up to 15, because regardless of how it rolls, unless everything goes into the attack, I’m likely going to find some use for it.

Let’s go ahead, and we got one Attack, One Speed, two crit rate rolls, and the four additional rolls from 3 to 15. This is a pretty solid Relic piece, and it is nice to have. Now, unfortunately for Clara, she likes having a crit rate, not crit damage. But if in the future, we do have a character that will want crit damage for this physical set, then this is going to be nice.

Now for boots, typically you want to focus on the main stat that the set focuses on. For example, in this case, we have an attack, so attack boots are also going to be useful for this set. And finally, speed, speed, speed, like for pretty much every other character in the game.


For most characters in the game, you want speed. Clara is the exception in the sense that she does not necessarily need speed. And just to show you guys a cool, quick little trick, you can select the main stat here to filter by the main stat. And you can even add the substats as needed.

We can see here that I don’t have any speed boots with a crit rate. And you can even sort this by a specific stat if you want. For example, let’s say we want to sort this by attack percent. Now we are going descending, and we can see that these boots are now sorted by attack percent for those that do have them. So yeah, it’s good to know some of the filtering relic options that will help you a lot when it comes to actually going through relics.

Now the same mentality applies to obviously the Spheres and the ropes. But let’s say you are using a character like Clara, and you are trying to figure out if should I use the inert Salado or should I use the space ceiling station for her. Now generally speaking, of course, we know that the inert Cado is a bit better. But what we can do is we can see how much, you know, how good we have each of the pieces here, and we can further limit down, we can further cut down kind of the filtering here.

Check out all the physical damage spheres now. Perhaps we’re going to use one set over the other based on which one we have that’s better. And we can see here that it’s a clear winner for me that we have the physical damage sphere between the two sets, and I’m likely going to use the inert Salado. Now that was for DPS characters.

Support Relics

Let’s next quickly talk about some principles for supporting characters.

Support characters have so much variety that it’s really difficult to kind of cover all the bases here. But some of the stats that you want to keep in mind are speed and effect resistance. Now why speed is obvious because you want your supports to go fast, and you can also have multiple different speed values to help speed-tune your team. But why effect resist? This will enable those supports to utilize the broken K. once you have a certain amount of effect resistance, 30% or higher, or perhaps up to 20% in substations, then you will get 10% crit damage for the rest of your team.

So that’s why, for a lot of support sets, you want to keep in mind that you should look out for speed as well as effect resistance. And of course, certain supports prefer certain stats, like LCHA prefers attack percent, BR prefers critical damage, and so on. So for that, we’re not going to go over every single character and every single detail right now, but we actually will in the next section.

All Relics for All Characters

Speaking of the next section, we have this behemoth of a spreadsheet. I’m going to zoom out just a little bit so that way you guys can see a bit more of the full chart. This chart I will have a link to it down in the description below. Just click the file, make a copy, and this will copy it over to your Google Drive. Then you can mess with it as much as you want and customize it as needed.

So the way I divided this is that I have my recommended four-piece sets for each of these characters. And I have enough columns to add three sets of four-piece set bonuses for each character. Then I have two columns dedicated to let’s say you want to use two-piece set bonuses for a set character like Dan Hung. Then you can have the Musketeers and Messengers, which is a decent combination for him. And finally, we have the two-piece set bonuses which include like, you know, the sphere and the rope.

And here we can see that I’ve listed just my recommendations for each character’s, you know, sphere and rope. And then we have the main stat recommendations as well as the substats. Now I’m sure there are some mistakes because I hand-inputted all of this, but the whole point of this is that you guys can edit it, and you guys can customize it as you see fit. For example, let’s say you believe that Jing Leo should use a genius set. Well, you can easily add the genius set here into the four-piece set bonus as the second set. And I’ll leave it here for the sake of example. You can add to your personal preferences.

Let’s say you think your Jing Leo should use a two-piece messenger. That’s fine. Two-piece Musketeers, I recommend a little bit less, but you know, hey, you can also add it as needed as you feel is appropriate. So now that we have this massive chart, it looks a bit overwhelming. But we can see here that this is a reasonable starting point for figuring out what stats to focus on, what stats to target, and what stats to roll for for substats.

Now the next question is, okay, what domains should I farm for? And this is a pretty cool filter that I have. So let’s say we’re going to be farming, as an example, the Champion of Streetwise Boxing, as well as the Thief of whatever. I don’t remember the full name of it, but we have the champion whom we can select in this spot, as well as the thief. This will show you every character that you are going to be trying to potentially farm for, whether it’s a two-piece set like here for Silver Wolf or whether it is the four-piece set bonus like for Guai Fin for example.

And we even have a subset to keep an eye out for. Let’s say theoretically you’re trying to farm for Luca as well as Gai Fin. Well, now you can keep an eye out for effect hit rate bodies, attack percent bodies, and speed boots while you’re not farming the sphere or rope here. But you know, those are there as well for you to know, as well as the substats you want to focus on: speed, effect hit rate, attack percent, and perhaps break effect. And if you want to edit this, go back to Gai Fin, for example, and we can even add a break effect as a recommended substitute for her.

Domain Value

So you can see that this document is going to be a work in progress as well as very easy for you guys to customize for your farming needs and your farming reference. Okay, so the next topic I want to talk about is domain value. I think many of you guys already have a pretty good idea as to what domains are more valuable than others, but I feel like some actual numeric values might be useful. And sorry about that notification on my phone. So we have here these are the caverns of corrosions. These are the ones where you farm the four-piece set bonuses like the passerby wandering Cloud as well as the four-piece Musketeers.

And what are these occurrences? This occurrence, as we can see, is the number of characters that this appears under. And we can see here that some of the domains have much more value than others, like the passerby plus Musketeers. You’re going to have all the healers as well as a bunch of attack-scaling characters preferring the Musketeer’s two-piece set bonus. And same with the Longevous Plus Messenger. The Messenger is an insane Relic set for so many different supports. It’s a great option for a lot of them.

And we can see that as we get down the list, which it’s not sorted properly. Let me fix that quickly for you guys. There we go. We can see here that now we’re starting to see that the domain value, in my opinion, does go down. But of course, if you are farming for, for example, Genu, well, you’re probably going to want to farm the Band of Sizzling Thunder regardless of whether or not you end up wanting the KN of whatever it’s called A Relic set.

So I do apologize for not using the full name of all the Relic sets because it was just like, you know, the columns become way too wide. After all, the names of these Relic sets are super long and hyperbolic. Honestly, the people that name this game are very creative. So Simulated Universe, it’s no surprise to see that the Space Ceiling Station Fleet of the Ageless come out on top. The Inert Salo, which is missing [Music] here. There we go. I’m sure many of you guys were about to comment, hey, the Inert Salado is in the wrong place. But yeah, no, I managed to fix it here. It’s in Simulated Universe 6.

And for example, let’s say you want to get a bunch of Aur Salo pieces. But we can see that the Bog is barely recommended for any character, just a few shielders. Then Nero is a great option to, for example, use a lot of these Um Relic pieces to manually craft right here. So you could, for example, get a bunch of the Planer Spheres if you’re going for a Fire Sphere for your Topaz.

Stamina Value

The next topic that I need to cover is The Relic drop rates as well as which ones have the highest value based on stamina as well as their drop rates. So this data is from a CN data Gathering group that has a bunch of information on the drop rates for these relics. As we can see, there’s a bit of a small formatting issue which I’m going to fix quickly. We can see here that this document is that this video has me fixing a lot of stuff in it, but hey, that’s kind of what uh what these documents are about. So it’s clear which ones cost the most average stamina to get.

For example, let’s say you are trying to farm a crit rate body for the Champion of Streetwise Boxing. The average amount of stamina it would take you while farming that domain to get that crit rate body is 1,522 based on the data from these data gatherers over on the CN side. These pieces tend to be more valuable than crit rate, crit damage, healing percent, and effect hit rate are the pieces that are going to cost you the most stamina to farm.

“And speed boots, they also cost a good amount of stamina but noticeably less than these main stats for the body. And over here at the Rope side, we can see that the energy recharge rope, in particular, is going to be the rarest rope that you can farm. The average stamina for all these is much lower, and this is because you only have four possible drops from the simulated Universe: the ball and the sphere for each of the two sets. Whereas here, you have four different pieces for two sets. So, therefore, you have eight different pieces that you’re farming for. So what does this mean? Well, this is just some general broad advice.

Let’s say you want an effect hit rate body for one of your nil characters, for Soo as an example. And let’s say you want to run Soo with the musk, the thief, or whatever it’s called. If you don’t want to go farm a bunch of the thieves, as well as Champion store-wise boxing, but you have reasonable main stats for the rest, like let’s say you have speed boots and you have heads and hands, obviously those are pretty much free. Then you can consider using, and you can use a self-modeling resin on effect hit rate, so that way you don’t have to farm this domain and you are using it on one of the higher stamina value pieces that you would have to farm for otherwise.

Also, it’s worth noting that when using the self-modeling resin, it’s probably best for you to use it on a character that doesn’t care that much about his sub-stats because you are very, very likely going to get just good substations. And if you’re hoping for, let’s say, double crit effect hit Great Piece, you’re very, very unlikely to get it by using the self-modeling resin. Finally, energy recharge rope when it comes to spheres or when it comes to the two-piece set bonus is the way to go because that is the lowest drop rate. Also, it’s worth keeping in mind that if you do want to use Von wax, farming the Talia and Von wax is a terrible use of your stamina.

So, grabbing an energy recharge rope for the VWAC is very valuable. So you also want to keep in mind which one of these has poor value when it comes to your overall account when it comes to utilizing your self-modeling resin as well as your Relic craftings. Now also keep in mind, I forgot to mention this earlier, but the passerby wandering Cloud, as well as the four-piece Musketeers, drops from the weekly bosses which you should be running every single week. So you will tend to have more of these pieces, and you don’t necessarily have to go out of your way to spend as much stamina on them in comparison to farming other sets. Like, for example, perhaps the genius or a DPS set for your Clara with the champion four pieces.

Give it a try!

Okay, so yeah, go ahead, make a copy, find, and customize the sheets in the character page as needed, and use the filtered sheet to see what you’re farming for and what stats I recommend keeping as well as farming for. Feel free to edit it as you need because that’s the whole point of making a copy and creating a copy of this spreadsheet. Hopefully, you guys found some value in this video. When it comes to Relic farming in Honkai Star Roil, it will always come down to RNG and just patience and spending a ton of time, and days. And that is the true end game of Honkai Star Rail. It is a farming relic. As always, I appreciate every single one of you. This is what I went to lose signing out for.”